Optical and microwave sensors  

Electronics module (6 credits) The electronics module intends to provide the general knowledge of an electronic system intended as an information processing system. In particular, starting from the basic concepts related to linear systems, the course aims to provide the mathematical tools for the analysis of signals and the basic knowledge of analog and digital electronics starting from the fundamental components to get to electronic circuits and finally to systems more complex electronics. The course focuses on the link between frequency band, power consumption and noise in analog circuits and digital networks for space and satellite applications in the context of transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructures. Expected learning outcomes: students will be able to analyze analog and digital electronic circuits and will acquire design elements of electronic systems for different application fields. Optical sensor module (3 credits) The optical sensor module aims to provide an introduction to integrated optical systems starting from the mechanisms of transduction of radiation through optical sources (lasers and LEDs) and semiconductor photodetectors up to understanding the system-level aspects of sensors of CCD and CMOS based images. The module presents application cases in the field of environmental remote sensing and broadband optical communications in fiber and in free space and for complex systems. Expected learning outcomes: students will be able to understand the functioning of image and environmental sensors, comparing the performance of the different technologies available according to the system requirements.
Optical and microwave sensors

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